Heaven and Earth Designs is having a sale! I could not resist buying my favorite pattern "Pretty" by Nene Thomas. This pattern has always been my number one choice (I know it's crazy, but I looked at 5,000!), but after receiving a 99 page pattern from the same artist I started looking for an alternate. To my immense surprise this pattern was only 45 pages (if you condense all the end and half pages it is roughly 36 pages). All 0f the alternates were around 30 pages, so what is another 6 pages? I made a deal with myself, I could buy the DMC and fabric if I stopped buying HEAD patterns. So I giddily went off to Michael's and after 20 minutes at the check out spent an astounding $50.00 on DMC! There are 88 colors and 10 skeins of black! Now all I need is 25ct fabric and the endurance for all that one over one! This is the project of a lifetime and hopefully I will finish it during this one! I would love to do a SAL, Mother are you interested? The Maiden
This is unreal. More power to you sister.