It was a rare rainy day in Las Vegas 2 weeks ago when I pulled into the cross stitch store for a piece of Lugana. I had been feeling poorly (stress, flu, work drama) and decided to be a little indulgent and start another HAED. I bought a piece of 28ct Lugana "Little bo peep" and headed home to stitch to my hearts content with only one rule: tent stitch or not at all.
Many know my struggles with tent stitching, but I told myself I could not have this pattern unless I tent stitched it. So with my needle threaded with 2 strands of DMC I began, and hated it. However, I pushed through, driven by my rule and after several hours I figured out how to get the look I so desired: a snap frame and tight, tight tension.
So after 11 days of stitching I present page one! The Maiden
Chart's gorgeous (love Linda Ravenscroft's charts) and your progress is fabulous, that's only 11 days? Lots of people don't seem to like tent stitch (myself included) and I don't really know why.
ReplyDeleteI love the colors on this, and your stitching is beautiful!! Your tent stitch looks so good, one day I will have to try it on a HAED,
ReplyDeleteIt's gorgeous!!!!! I love that so much. :D
ReplyDeleteIt's beautiful, and will be absolutely gorgeous when done. I'm glad you figured out tent stitch. I love tent stitch! It's much faster than whole crosses, which is helpful for me since I'm such a slow stitcher.
ReplyDeleteSo very pretty!!!!!!