Yeah, the last bead has been placed on Mermaids of the Deep Blue by Mirabilia! I picked this project up exactly 2 months ago as a SAL with Juls and I must say I could not be happier with the final product! A question on beading: do you use a half stitch or whole to secure the bead?

Unfortunately I do not know the name of this fabric (it may be Dawn?), but I can tell you it is a 32ct overdyed linen.

This is a present for The Crone, Gentle Arts thread on 36ct Days Gone By one over one. By far the hardest project I have encountered to date (I have even abandoned the notion of stitching this twice, one for me) I am so ecstatic this is complete!
Mark 2 off my WIPocalypse list! Whoo hoo! The Maiden