Wow, what a great stitchy weekend! For Friday and Saturday I worked on the Crone's Birthday present (36ct over one, never again!) and then it was off to the Stitchers retreat- a full day of stitching, food and AMAZING projects. I left very inspired and with the Crones help have made some new friends (you may see embroidery and 40ct silk gauze in our future).
Enchanted Mermaid by Mirabilia somehow made it into my bag as a back up and it turned out to be all I worked on! I had completed the face last year, which is even larger than the one on Venetian, but have not touched it since. As soon as the green Krenic made it into the leaves I was hooked! My only fear is the beads, 38 packages!
Stitched on 32ct Twilight Blue Linen. The Maiden