Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"The Lobstah"

"Venetian Opulence" still so far to go.....

"The 'guin"

Technically I dont think he's tall enough to be called a penguin.

"The Pig"

Sad little Blog

I know we are all very busy but I am dying to see an update on Venetian Opulence! I have started the project, using a piece of fabric I already owned that is a sparkly natural grey color, so it was relatively cheap. The arch is cumbersome so I have momentarily jumped to one of the Garden fairies I started a few months back after I finished Sweet pea. At least this one is a WIP. I will take it to the crone, photographs to follow (Yes it is true, I still do not have Internet access). I have not been doing much stitching, odd, but am slowly getting back into my old habits. While I will continue to stitch it will have to be in moderation. Another project will need to consume my free time for the next few months....

The crone is busy quilting, but I may be able to persuade her to stitch again soon.

The apple pin cushion has become a staple to my cross stitch arsenal. I love it and what it symbolizes every time I look at it! Wish I could have been in Carson instead of here having my first life crisis.... The Maiden